Savoca ( SA vo ca) is one of my favorite places to visit whenever I am lucky enough to be in Sicily. It is a beautiful hill top town just a half hour from Taormina on the magnificent eastern coast.
Prior to 1974 ( I believe) it was known only to locals ( a good thing?). Then, it was chosen to be the site of several scenes in THE GODFATHER. The Bar Vitelli that you see is where Michele meets Apollonia's father. It is open today and brings many tourists and film buffs to sit outside and sip an Averna, drink a beer, glass of wine or order the uniquely Sicilian granita with or without a brioche. The view of the Ionian and the coast of the mainland from here is breathetaking.
The church seen here is the church where the actual wedding was performed. I would be extremely remiss if I do not mention the elegant senior pictured here who was, until this past August, the owner of the Bar Vitelli, Signora Maria D'Arrigo. Unfortunately, she passed away in the week between the time I spoke with her nephew and then her sister. I believe, she was 92.